Bearded dragon female behaviour

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I have 2 bearded dragons both around 5 years old (rescues, have them for about 2 years) 
One female and one male, unrelated I believe. They were kept in one cage and even when they used to get along, male sometimes showed too much of a dominance and hurt female because of small terrarium they shared before rescuing. Now they are kept separetly for over 2 years but just last week strange behaviour occured with female. 
Male used to always be dominant when he noticed here (black bearded, head bobing et cetra) and female was submissive (waving). However he didnt see her very often since they are always separated to make sure they dont have eye contact. When he did notice her, dominance from him occured and lasted towards me for few days until her forgot. Now female I believe noticed herself in mirror and ever since she goes crazy, always wants to get out of terrarium (tries to slide doors open, et cetra) When I take her out she immadietly starts looking for her partner. Runs where she thinks he is or she is looking for him around apartment (possibly for more bearded dragons). Now I'm wondering what is her curiosity and how to stop it. Eventually she might hurt herself by accident when i am not home because she constatly hits her head on glass and jumps around. She never been this active and the only reason why I am writing this here is that It's like this for over a week now.
Should I try to breed them together? They are both mature and super healthy. Will that help in any way? 

If laying eggs would help her, my question is, since I dont live in Sweden for too long, is it worth it to put more responsibility on myself since demand for Hypomelanisti/dunner morphs isnt very big in Sweden from what I gather so far.
Let me know if I am wrong and you have any advices, cheers!

I am not a bearded dragon expert, but it sure sounds like she wants to pair with him and the season is right for that. If you descide to put them together and "give her what she wants", it is fully possible to just destroy the eggs as soon as they are layed if you dont want resposibility for the offspring.


Tropfrog skrev:
I am not a bearded dragon expert, but it sure sounds like she wants to pair with him and the season is right for that. If you descide to put them together and "give her what she wants", it is fully possible to just destroy the eggs as soon as they are layed if you dont want resposibility for the offspring.


Thank you for your response. That's what I was thinking yet seemed kinda absurd since I never seen this behaviour coming from female.
In case this would last for longer than a month I would let them breed but if it's just a thing of few more days I'll wait it over so it would be great to hear opinion from more people,
When I give her "what she wants" and eggs will be fertile I would probably just go ahead with it since I have spare terrariums and plenty of food I just dont wanna end up with lot's of offspring that no one wants.

Medlem i SHF

There's no need to put them together and let them breed.

Bearded dragons without very special coloration or morph are very hard to sell here in Sweden, since there are way to many bearded dragons for sale here. More sellers than buyers...

But to help you with your problem we need more information.

How big are the terrariums?

Are the terrariums in the same room?

What kind of lamps are you using?

When did you last replace the lamps?

What temperatures do you have in the enclosures?

What is the humidity?

Can du post a picture of the enclosure?

And a picture of the beardie? 

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