Ormar och reptiler vad är lagligt och vad är olagligt.

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Halloj, jag är helt ny här på sidan, skapade kontot för att en vän till mig som inte talar svenska undrar vad som är legalt i djurväg att ha här i Sverige, finns det någon sida( Helst på engelska) som förklarar vad för sorts reptiler man får ha? Har kollat på jordbruksverket men hittade inget där.

Tack på förhand.

Wild captured animals is not legal in Sweden.

There are EU common rules about invasive species, that forbid certain species in all of EU. For terrarium use the only species I know of is Trachemys scripta.

There are a world wide agreement on endangered species, called cites. If you have any animals from the cites list without documentation it is unlegal. With correct documentation, not. You can allways Google the species you are looking for + cites to get more information.

It is forbidden to keep animals that are from the swedish fauna in captivity. Likewise to collect or sell abroad. However, many of the species have a broader range than just Sweden. In some cases their range is in countries that collection is legal. So if you can get offspring from animals that where collected legally in Another country and have the correct papers to proove it, they are legal.

If in doubt about above rules you can allways send a Mail to jordbruksverket and ask specific questions. They are quite good at responding fast and accurate.

In addition different municipalities have different rules. Some require permit som forbid venomous animals etc. You need to check you municipalities website. If in doubt contact Them.

I hope I made a complete guide. If I missed something, someone will add on to it.

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