Wood carving, a terrarium for my girlfriend

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Helloo! From Denmark.

Im making this for my Girlfriend.
It takes a long time, but its gonne be fine i think.
Its for 2 Boa Boys.
It`s about 2 meters long.

Its all made out of recycle matrials.

The carving is nice but the setup and size is under all critics =)

SorenP skrev:
Helloo! From Denmark.

Im making this for my Girlfriend.
It takes a long time, but its gonne be fine i think.
Its for 2 Boa Boys.
It`s about 2 meters long.

Its all made out of recycle matrials.

like the carvings, the size looks kinda like a dog cage to a dog. but I do not keep serpents so I really do not know what size they should be

Medlem i SHF

Nice project you have there, will probably be really nice when it is finished! However I actually get a stomach ache when I look at the picture and see how the 3 snakes in the jar live. The surface and the conditions are disaster in my eyes! :/ 

Out of curiosity. Have you no regulations or recommendations on how snakes or should be held in Denmark? In Sweden we L80 as something to follow. :) 

fram med motorsågen

Its abut 2 meters long, and there are going to live 2 small Boa Boys, both are under 2 kg.

My sizers are just there while their background is drying, one night, so the dont breed the Glasfiber matrials, So Dont worry :)

Please dint judje so hard, the also eat i big plastic boxes, but they dont live there eighter, And they dont live around my neck, as the seem on some of my pics:)

Medlem i SHF

"Temporary accommodation in the picture. They'll get bigger soon"

That I have never heard before in the hobby, I promise! ;) 


They live in this, pretty big terraium :)
The girl on the floor behind me, is more than 3 meters.

Jonas_ skrev:

Nice project you have there, will probably be really nice when it is finished! However I actually get a stomach ache when I look at the picture and see how the 3 snakes in the jar live. The surface and the conditions are disaster in my eyes! :/ 

Out of curiosity. Have you no regulations or recommendations on how snakes or should be held in Denmark? In Sweden we L80 as something to follow. :) 

We only have rules abut what kind of snakes are legal, all laws abut size of the terraiums calceled here.
Most of the keepers here have their Boa C in plastic boxes, and in racks.

I have my snakes i terraiums, Some dont like that.
But i prefer to have my snakes so i can see them.
The heat is 38c in the hot end, and 25c in the cold end. Bouth the hot and the cold end has i genthe floor heat, so the wont be cold on the belly.
The humidity is controled witn Lucky reptive controller, and set for 60 this time at year.
The normal size terraium i use is always big, the clima is better controled that way.
They have a hide in each end, and things to clime in.
As i finish, i always use glassfiber, for the background, and heavy duty plastic in the bottum, that makes the terraiun easy to clean.
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