Feed in the cage or no this question never ends....

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I have always been told to feed your snake out side its cage.  my previous snakes  I have done this and to be honest it has worked just fine(i had corn snakes).  But the more and more i read people seem to say it doesnt really matter, and having a boa constrictor now ,  it will be hard to feed her when shes big  in a plastic garbage can, then  pick her  up and put her back in her cage.  

what does everyone here think about this topic?  

Medlem i SHF, SmHF

I don't have any snakes, but my impression is that there's mainly two reason that people feed their snakes outside of their terrarium.
The first one is to prevent the snake for accidentally eat some of the substrate.
The second reason (And probably the main reason?) is a somewhat of a pavlov reason; to make the snake associate the feeding box with food, rather than expect to be feed when the terrarium opens and then accidentally biting the handler.


I totally get that =)  but now that i have moved on to a bigger snake... if they are hungry... shouldnt  that make it more dangerous?   Boas eat well,  but my  baby ball python only eats after she sheds. and seems to stress more easily.   do you think they will eat after being picked up put in a box, and then if there still hungry i have to get them out there will be a feeding resoponse there, as well.  

 again im not disagreeing with you.  im just trying to see the other side, i can feed them seperate for a while while there young.  but once there big  it will be  more difficult.  anyone have experience with doing both?

Medlem i SHF, SmHF

There's probably a big difference with larger snakes and especially agressive ones. If you have to force it out of it's terrarium just to feed it, it will probably be more of a hazzle than just feed it inside it's cage.

An arboreal snake will probably not have the substrate-problem either.

I'm neither for nor against as long as it works. I'm sure there's more experience people here than me, who can give you better pointers with pros and cons to both sides.

Medlem i DHF

matar oftast i terrariet.

men ibland är det praktiskt om man har fler ormar i samma terrarium. för att slippa sitta och kolla så att dom inte går på varandras mat.



Our boa that we had, was feed in the cage, But after a while she started to strike at everthing that came near her cage.. No idea if it was because she saw everthing warm that came close as food or something else. We handled her a couple time a week..

But our ballpython have been feed in tha cage and never tries to bite och strike.


Every snake seems to be different =)


I just want to be able to hold my snake with out it getting agressive.  I use a snake hook and rub the snakes head a bit .... Once it moves a little i pick it up


Ive herd that.... Snakes biting at the cage.... Definatly dont want that 


I hope that someone that have large snakes can answer your questions.. 


First of all I'm not sure if the petting of the head is such a good idea, it would probably be better if you just stroke the snake with your hand a bit on the side of the body or something - this is because the snake's head is among it's most sensitive spots.

But OnT, I've been feeding my jungle carpet python in the tub for about a year now, and he is in no way more aggressive towards me when I'm handling him than he was before! That's all I have to add, I think. And also that I've never actually read any scientific research about whether or not snakes can respond to the "Pavlov's dog" treatment just as a.. well, dog - would.

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