Alligator in Sweden?

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hello my name is David and I recently moved from the USA to Sweden with my girlfriend there on a large inhängdas on our site had a pretty big alligator as we were outdoors all year. I was wondering if anyone knows if you can even keep them outside all year round here in Sweden? I have read several pages that alligators are capable of living in freezing climates only that the water does not freeze, but is there anyone else they have no idea if it would work because I did not have room for a big enclousure indoors, but outdoors we hat 2000 square meters of land that could have a inhängad on. if you have an area in the enclousure where it is heated to about 30 Celsius might it work and what do you think?

Davidgator skrev:
hello my name is David and I recently moved from the USA to Sweden with my girlfriend there on a large inhängdas on our site had a pretty big alligator as we were outdoors all year. I was wondering if anyone knows if you can even keep them outside all year round here in Sweden? I have read several pages that alligators are capable of living in freezing climates only that the water does not freeze, but is there anyone else they have no idea if it would work because I did not have room for a big enclousure indoors, but outdoors we hat 2000 square meters of land that could have a inhängad on. if you have an area in the enclousure where it is heated to about 30 Celsius might it work and what do you think?

It depends on were you live. Here it's -30 right now and about 300mm ice on the river

I live in Södertälje and here it is -10 degrees Celsius right now and if you have any heaters in the water that allows it to keep the water a little warmer than usual, and any fountain or pump that makes the water moves so that it does not freeze. what do you think?

Davidgator skrev:
I live in Södertälje and here it is -10 degrees Celsius right now and if you have any heaters in the water that allows it to keep the water a little warmer than usual, and any fountain or pump that makes the water moves so that it does not freeze. what do you think?

Davidgator skrev:
I live in Södertälje and here it is -10 degrees Celsius right now and if you have any heaters in the water that allows it to keep the water a little warmer than usual, and any fountain or pump that makes the water moves so that it does not freeze. what do you think?

It will probably freeze to death... You will need too big heaters to warm the water to a temperature were the aligator can survive


Winters are usually quite short here.

Maybe keep it inside in a smaller enclosure for 1-3 months when its minus and outside for the rest of the year? 

I dont know shit about alligators tho

Moong skrev:
Winters are usually quite short here.

Maybe keep it inside in a smaller enclosure for 1-3 months when its minus and outside for the rest of the year? 

I dont know shit about alligators tho

I'm not even sure you can keep an alligator as a pet in sweden... You should probably start with something easier

It's legal to my knowledge but you have to have a huge enclosure according to Swedish law, system L108. It's the same as zoo have to use.
Just the water needs to be atleast: <150 cm it's 20m2, 150-250 it's 40m2 and over 250cm it's 60m2
Then it's land as well, strangly enought it's no rules for that but atleast it should be able to move around some on land as well.
Don't know if it's ok to have them outside year around but you would require to heat the pool to the same degree as they have where the alligator come from. No idea but guessing around 20-25C. And a heating spot.
Would cost a fortune to have it outside all year around. 
No idea if it would be ok even if the pool is heated, might be considered animal cruelty. 

So either a huge enclousure indoors or moving it back and forth and having 2 big enclosures would most likely be the option.

To heat the water 0,5 degree/h for a 160cm long alligator you would need a warmer with tha capacity of 25kW. And this is if the outside tempratur is aprox the desired temperature. In the winter we are talking about 100+kW

the police will come and pick it upp eventually if you have it out  all year round to
neglect care however you fix it.

it has already being someone I think in skåne who had a croc on their greenhouse and got confiscated.

leedragon skrev:
the police will come and pick it upp eventually if you have it out  all year round to
neglect care however you fix it.

It has already been someone I think in Skåne who had a croc on their greenhouse and got confiscated.

That was because of the enclosure, a small cold greenhouse, not becourse of the type of animal or size.
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