Dåligt skötta leopardgeckor

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Aloe skrev:
Sorry with my Swedish. It is easier for me to wirte some suggestions in English:) The gecko still looks in a good shape now. 

1. Do not suprise if they stop eating after transport. Additionally, leopard gecko has behavior of season refusing eating due to the winter coming. No worry for that.  
2. Do you handle him too much before feeding. Usually, I don't handle them before and after feeding.
3. What time do you feed him? Usually early morning and evening is the best time for feeding. Leopard gecko is nocturnal animal.
4. Do you use lamp over the terrarium? Leopard gecko is sensitive to light. Light will make them very stressed. I used to have a gecko from the other. The old owner use the lamp as the heating source. Both eyes of the gecko are burned and damaged.
5. The most important, do you think the environment is warm enough for them? Nothing is more improtant than keeping warm for leopard geckos.

Here is also a very informative page of 'Why is my Leopard Gecko Not Eating?':

Other information:

Thanks for the advice :)

I haven't handled them at all, except for when I checked their weight. I want them to get used to their envirioment before I try to handle them so they don't get stressed. And the problem is not that they don't eat, cause they do. Both of them eat a lot. It's that they don't seem to being able to catch their food on their own. So far I've only tried dubia roaches, some other people seem to have similar experienceses, so I'll try to give them some other insects and see how they react.

I do have a light, but not as a heat source. In the daytime there is a UVB and a regular lamp on. The light turns off in the afternoon/early evening. Do you think the geckos would do better without it?

The heating source is a heating pad that covers half of the tank, and they have several hides on both the warm and the cool side. In the warm hides the temperature is between 34-36C and on the cool side the temp. varies from 24C to 30C. 

Thanks for linking those care guides. Both were very helpful, and I'm a lot less worried about my geckos now. They problably just need some rest and a bit more fat on them. But i talked with the vet, and they thought I should send a "poop sample" for their lab if the lizards don't gain weight in few weeks. After all they have been living in a pretty bad environment for a long period of time, which can cause pinworms.

uzaan skrev:

Just det där har jag märkt på min leo. Hon blir genast mer intresserad om jag lägger kackelackorna på rygg så de sprattlar med benen. 

Ska testa det vid nästa matning. Det som gör mig så förvirrad är att det verkar som om de förstår att det är mat i närheten, men ser inte kackerlackorna. Hoppas det är så enkelt som att vända dem :)

Vill du få upp fettreserven så mata lite med pinkisar, kanske en gång i veckan eller nått (här kan någon mer erfaren komma med förslag om man kan mata oftare). De brukar dom dessutom bli lite piggare på :)
Men håll med tång och vifta lite med den så haffar dom den förhoppningsvis ^^

PotatisSara skrev:

I do have a light, but not as a heat source. In the daytime there is a UVB and a regular lamp on. The light turns off in the afternoon/early evening. Do you think the geckos would do better without it?

Leopard geckos are nocturnal animal and hiding in the cage in day time. Honestly, I don't agree with putting a lamp in of their environment which might introduce unnecessary stress. On the other hand, I understand it is easier for you to watch by having a lamp:) So, let's cross finger and see if they can adapt to the lamp. 

PotatisSara skrev:

The heating source is a heating pad that covers half of the tank, and they have several hides on both the warm and the cool side. In the warm hides the temperature is between 34-36C and on the cool side the temp. varies from 24C to 30C. 

Perfect temperature. But please consider the height of your cage, especially if you have a cover on your tank. Heat is quickly going away in a roomy tank. 

PotatisSara skrev:

Thanks for linking those care guides. Both were very helpful, and I'm a lot less worried about my geckos now. They problably just need some rest and a bit more fat on them. But i talked with the vet, and they thought I should send a "poop sample" for their lab if the lizards don't gain weight in few weeks. After all they have been living in a pretty bad environment for a long period of time, which can cause pinworms.

Good luck with your animals. Usually, they just need time to adapt the new home. If you need useful information, just send me message. I like geckos too:)

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