Temla skrev:
Vad menar du med "lång tid"? Skäggagamer kan dvala rätt långa perioder. Du bör inte hålla på och väcka honom, låt honom sova ifred. Om det gått mer än 2 månader skulle jag titta till skäggisen så all är ok... sedan låta den vara typ 1 månad till - titta till - låta vara.. etc. Bästa är om du kan titta till den utan att väcka den. Du har väl mörkt i terrariet nu så det inte är ljuset som väcker honom?
Vill den ha det mörkt gräver den ner sig eller är i ett gömställe? Australien är inte mörkt dagtid.
"I should note also, at this point, that some keepers advocate shortening the amount of time that your Beardie’s lights remain on, in order to simulate the shortening of the days during the winter season. If you choose to do this, in order to save on electricity, I see nothing wrong with that, as long as their lights remain on for at least 8 hours each day, and, as Spring approaches, you slowly increase the length of time that their lights remain on , to simulate the longer days that come once the winter season passes.
Many keepers feel that this is a way to have some control over the amount of time that your beardie will brumate. However, I’ve discussed this with quite a few experienced keepers, and most of them agree that this really has no bearing on the length of their brumation, when they are being kept under artificial lighting. Your Bearded Dragon will decide when to go into brumation, and how long he’s going to sleep, and what you do with his artificial lighting isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference, one way or the other. Another case, in point, of their little biological clocks at work.^
Kanske inte ett proffs jag citerar, men ändå.
Menar du att du inte har lampor när dina dvalar?