Rain system

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I am looking for a rain system for a dart frog terrarium. I planned on getting monsoon, but after some research I am not sure about it. I saw that mist king has good reviews, but it doesn't come with a tank and it's a big issue in terms of aesthetics for me. I'm planning on getting exoterra dart frog terrarium, is there any alternative to monsoon that has equally easy setup for this terrarium?
Which rain system do you recommend? 

I prefere dusk tropic system. That is some serious quality that never fails.

But, yes, you will need to buy your own tank, not included. But it is the same for all good quality systems. Having a control system integrated with a tank full of water and hoses has proven quite a bad idea. Many hobbyists can verify that. Lots of burnt circuit board experience out there.


Off brand, what you want is a diaphragm pump, they deliver about 6+ bar, needed for fine mist nozzles without flooding your terrarium. You need good nozzles and tubing, google will show the way.

That is a good advice! However almost every search I have done in english on best misting system points towards mistking. A system not awailable in Europe and that uses a very cheap oem controller. The controller is known to fail very often, an issue that mistking solves by sending a new to their customers. As I work in aftermarket services myself, I know how and understand why this gives them a good rating. But if you live an ocean away, it may not be enough.

I am just as you in my private life. Looking for good value despite brands. There are a lot of good options if one know what to look for on trade platforms.

To TS: if you are not into supporting swedish brands as I am, I have found that dendroshop have really good stuff as well. But you are still stuck in your opinion that the container should be integrated. ATM it is just not possible to get an integrated container and good quality system in the same product.

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