Spiders for a Music Video ????

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Hey! I am shooting a music video in Stockholm and would love to have some spiders on me for one scene. I would like to rent them for one day, the shoot won’t take more than 2 hours and the owner is welcome to join during the shoot! So please share any info if you know anyone who has a spider in Stockholm!

We have seen several requests similar to this one. They never get any positive answers. Taking animals out of their enclosures expose them to unfavorable conditions and a lot of stress. We just care about our animals and do not see any benefits for us, the animals or the hobby with theese kind of requests.

"Some spiders" suggests that you want to have more than one. The absolute main part of the spiders in the hobby is solitary animals. Any interaction except for breeding purpouse ends up with them fighting and eating each other. Another good reason not to do it.

You may be able to ask skansen akvariet. They have spiders in their petting corner. It seems like they value teaching about the animals more than the wellfare of the individual animals. They may be up to help you if they find an educational value in what you are doing. But then you may not be able to do something that signals horror, which is often the idea behind this kinds of requests.

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